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Expectations - great, or not?

I’ve noticed in the last few months that most of my ideas for writing short articles pop into my head whilst I’m walking the dog.

Today, I found myself having to walk the dog when I hadn’t planned to. In my head, I found myself justifying this by thinking that at least I’ll be able to come up with an article idea for this week.

So I set off on my walk this morning, with that in mind. About halfway round I realised nothing was coming, and I started to wonder why.

Previously I had assumed that ideas come to me when I’m walking the dog because I’m outside, in nature and not distracted by work etc. I now wonder whether it’s because I had previously placed no expectation on the walk, other than simply walking the dog.

As I considered this, I could see other parallels in life where there’s merit in just being or doing rather than expecting.

  • Exercise for one can be more likely, more enjoyable and at times more productive without imposing expectations.

  • Relationships can certainly demonstrate this, as placing our own expectations can often lead to disappointment.

  • Those “impromptu” social encounters where there was no time to develop expectations are often the best.

And it reminded me of an expression I heard a while back “playing in the sandpit” which is a great childhood reminder of how learning and growth can often come from the simple act of play, without the expectations we tend to add in as adults.

Do you ever allow yourself to do things without expectation?

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